Returns are accepted within 10 days from the date of receipt, or based on the tracking number, provided the items are in their original condition or sealed. As a customer, you are required to notify us via email before initiating a return. Returns will only be approved under the following conditions:
– You received an incorrect item.
– The item arrived in unacceptable condition (e.g., damaged packaging).
– The item is defective or faulty.
– The delivery exceeded the expected time frame.
– The shipping carrier did not permit inspection of the goods prior to payment.
– For refunds, please note that you'll not be refunded any customs or duties paid.
To qualify for a return, the product(s) must be in their original packaging, securely wrapped, undamaged, and sealed. This includes ensuring that the item(s) are adequately protected during transit by being packaged in a sturdy carton box, ideally the same one used for the original shipment to you.
We take great care in ensuring that returns are processed promptly and that items are returned in the best possible condition to facilitate the refund or replacement process.